Why work for Tuberculosis? Every year 1.8 million new cases of TB occur in India. Every day more than 5000 people are diagnosed with TB disease and 1000 people die of TB in India: the highest number in the world.2 young people die every 3 minutes due to TB.

But Tuberculosis is a treatable and preventable disease. What is needed is knowledge about the disease. Learning from the experience of running a helpline for HIV, we feel that there is also a dire need for helpline in TB. Like HIV, TB is also a disease which carries lots of fear, stigma and discrimination. Correct knowledge about the spread of disease, its prevention and guidance w.r.t treatment centres can be given by trained counselors telephonically with the benefit of maintaining anonymity and confidentiality of the caller.

Our solution-Helpline: A phone can be used anytime, anywhere even in very interior places for health education and counseling. Also, we can also use phone for follow up and increasing the rate of treatment adherence and completion.

Launched on 1st Dec 2012, We have received 150+ calls for TB related queries.

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